See You Again-Vicetone/Anna Clendening

歌手 : Vicetone / Anna Clendening
专辑 : See You Again
语种 : 英语
时长 : 02:58

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See You Again-Vicetone/Anna Clendening 热门评论

我都准备敬你一杯了,结果不是“ It's been a long day.”

怎么你们也see you again啊

Hello Vicetone,I'm a big fan of yours😜I've been lisening to your songs for three years and I feel better every time l lisen to your song.It's really very good.I want to say don't forget your fans in China,I hope you can come to China to hold a concert this year or next year😘

晚睡的同学有歌听!V神Vicetone发布新歌See you again 轻盈欢快的钢琴底律,仿佛与心里想见的那个人相遇在海边,旋律往复起伏表达对ta的无尽思念。曲有尽,而重逢之意无穷。第二段旋律与拍手音色完美融合,使得曼妙的旋律不失节奏感。双帅真正做到了“于空明处暴起灵动,于高潮出落于无声”。完美融合女vocalV神再一次做到了将极致的听觉感受带给了这些一直支持他的fans们。😘😘❤❤❤❤


Hello Vicetone,I'm happy to tell you that I'm the first one~😘


继烟鬼的cu again,这个是今年第二首!还不错的v😘


灯火的掩映中,岸边的枫树,一半漆如墨色,一半红如霞火,而此刻女嗓传来阵阵空灵声,像极了一场突如其来的流星雨,一齐划破长空,仿佛唾手可得,却又遥不可及,像一个被人生轻易许下的承诺 ——Vicetone Forever