Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - The Sailors' Dance (水手舞)-Academy Of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood

时长 : 00:48

Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - The Sailors' Dance (水手舞)-Academy Of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood 无损flac下载 mp3下载

Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - The Sailors' Dance (水手舞)-Academy Of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood 在线试听 歌词免费下载

Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - The Sailors' Dance (水手舞)-Academy Of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood 歌曲简介

第三幕:迦太基海港(The harbour at Carthage),埃涅阿斯的船舶升火待发,船员的合唱航海之歌。巫婆及二魔女见状欣然色喜,预言狄朵必死,而迦太基亦将毁灭。狄朵来到,初闻情人即将离去。待埃涅阿斯走后,狄朵唱出悲怆之歌——《当我躺在尘土之下时》,遂死于贝林达怀中。朝臣合唱挽歌《双翼低垂》以悼亡之,幕落。28.前奏曲,水手们为准备起航,正忙得不可开交。29.水手之舞。30.宣叙调,女巫、魔女们登场,开心地唱,下一个阴谋,只要让埃涅阿斯和船队在海上遇到风暴。今晚要让女王死在血泊中,明天整个迦太基将被烈焰吞没。31.魔女们以合唱应和女巫。32.魔女之舞。皇宫(The palace)33.宣叙调,狄朵带着贝林达等登场,狄朵悲伤地唱:“我要向天地倾诉这悲哀,而今我只有一条路可走,那就是死亡。”埃涅阿斯想安慰狄朵,被斥责,狄朵说他破坏了誓言,你马上前往约定之地吧,留下的狄朵只有接受死亡。34.埃涅阿斯走后,单独留下的狄朵更坚决地表示:“死亡,我逃不过你,当埃涅阿斯出航时,死神就会降临。”35.群臣们合唱:“两人互相背叛,互救的希望已经破灭。”36.狄朵悲伤地唱:“贝林达,把你的手借给我。眼前越来越暗,让我在你怀里安息吧。”37.狄朵的咏叹调,她对贝林达交代临终遗言:《当我躺在尘土之下时》(When I am laid in earth)。狄朵在贝林达手臂上死去。这时埃涅阿斯的船队正静静的驶出港口,驶向意大利。38.剧终合唱:“垂下双翼的丘比特,请前来为狄朵的遗体撒下玫瑰花,并且永远亲切地守护着她。”

Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - The Sailors' Dance (水手舞)-Academy Of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood 热门评论

Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3 - The Sailors' Dance (水手舞)-Academy Of Ancient Music/Christopher Hogwood 同专辑其他歌曲

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