侯俊辉 歌手简介

侯俊辉的艺人档案 中文名:侯俊辉 英文名:Ben How 性别:男 国籍:马来西亚 家乡:吉隆坡 宗教信仰:道教 性取向:双性恋 公会:蔡可荔歌迷会 公会职务:歌迷会会长 血型:O型 生日:1976年12月28日 婚姻状况:已婚 毕业院校:雪隆中华独立中学 学历:中专 专业:烹饪 语言:国语,福建语 职业:歌手、西江月歌仔戏班老板、MV男演员等 出道日期:1995年 获得荣誉:被誉为“福建小王子”称号 2012年单曲【寂寞探戈】获得南方创作歌曲季军 2016 年专辑【明天】被评为了马来西亚娱协最佳男歌手奖等 音乐代表作品:伴我一生、借钱好将来、圆满、男人泪等 音乐类型:通俗流行 出道地区:马来西亚 经纪公司:马来西亚南方唱片有限机构公司 最喜欢的音乐:蔡可荔的歌曲还有自己唱的歌曲、爱看歌仔戏 最喜欢的歌手:蔡可荔(蔡可荔目前已不是歌手,是歌唱家) 最想见到的人:蔡可荔(目标已经实现) 喜欢的艺人:刘玲玲 喜欢收藏的东西:蔡可荔专辑 人生最开心的事:成为歌手和偶像蔡可荔对唱歌曲 最喜欢的运动:散步 最喜欢的穿著:休闲服 愿望目标:能够和偶像蔡可荔成为一名马来西亚知名歌手(目标已经实现) 爱好:偶像蔡可荔、爱看歌仔戏 特长:做饭 性格:讲话直率、活泼好动、阳光开朗、是一个乐天派戏精 人物关系: 黄晓凤(好友) 张美玲(搭档) 董美燕(同事) 陈俐绢(师妹) 陈良泉(师兄) 吴丽蓉(师姐) 曾琳(同事) 罗宾(师兄) 姚乙(师兄) 钟伟(师弟) 许文友(师弟) 刘珺儿(粉丝兼同事) 欧俪雯(师妹兼阿姨) 吴泓君(小萍萍)(密友) 蔡可荔(蔡宝肯)(偶像) 侯俊辉,南方唱片旗下男艺人,有”马来西亚福建小王子“之称,代表作品《圆满》。情歌王子侯俊辉,是南方唱片机构旗下的一名男歌星。拥有阳光式的俊朗外型,以及一把雄浑磁性的唱腔,出版过多张个人福建专辑,是少数马来西亚国内被公认为福建韵味十足的男性魅力声音。 在未晋身歌坛之前,侯俊辉还是一位烹饪班在籍学院生,但是当歌星却是他的愿望,所以完成学业之后,便参与声乐课程,在老师的推荐下踏入歌唱事业生涯。侯俊辉在未晋身歌坛之前除了是某著名香港点心店师傅外,还是“福建歌后”蔡可荔歌迷会会长,机缘巧合下在声乐老师推荐下踏入歌坛发展,最让他感到不可思议的是,竟然和偶像蔡可荔同属一家唱片公司,成为偶像的师弟,他笑说:“简直就是开心死了,发梦都没有想到”。虽然热爱唱歌,但侯俊辉不讳言自小学后他就一直没勇气站上舞台参加歌唱比赛,直到踏入社会工作后,有次去参加某电台举办的歌唱比赛,歌声受到瞩目,朋友建议他去学声乐,后来在声乐老师的推荐下,让他有机会去唱片公司试音,并成功踏入歌坛发展,回忆起当初拿到试音唱片公司的地址那刹,简直就是乐疯了,他叙述:“天啊,是南方机构,怎么那么巧,当下就觉得太不可思议了。”侯俊辉于中学时期就非常崇拜蔡可荔,在那个没面子书、微博、网络不发达的年代,他只要写信给唱片公司,说明想成立蔡可荔歌友会,随着建议被修纳后他也出任歌友会会长,提及当时侯俊辉被蔡可荔的经纪人称赞歌声不错,还询问他是否想当歌手,却被蔡可荔反对,并给予他劝告说:“不要,你已有稳定的工作就好好去做,毕竟是有机会冲出海外,男歌手要在大马要占一席之位并不简单,你今天拿得起,往后是否放得下呢?”侯俊辉表示虽然知道蔡可荔语重心长,不过当时的他实在太爱唱歌,一心一意只想要唱歌,劝告亦听不进去就当歌手了。“老实说,这20年以来我的歌唱生涯没有走得很顺利,有经历高低潮,不过我却没后悔自己当初选择当歌手的决定,毕竟我也知道自己对歌唱事业付出多少,所以有多少的收获我也能接受。”侯俊辉表示加入南方机构后跟蔡可荔合作的机会不多,“因为我入行后她也慢慢退出了,记得第一次合作是唱新年歌,毕竟是一大班人,所以不会太紧张,第二次合作就是合唱情歌,当时我的心情好紧张,幸亏是先后进录音室录音,我的压力才没有那么大。”别瞧侯俊辉讲话直率甚至毒舌,一遇见偶像就立刻紧张结巴,“我到现在跟可荔姐讲话还是战战兢兢的,非常尊敬她。” 侯俊辉加入南方唱片机构后,在1995年发行了首张个人福建专辑【你现在好吗+有人照顾无】,1996年又发行了个人的第二张福建专辑【福建流行4 IN 1】,在1998年侯俊辉又发行了个人的第三张福建专辑【惜钱好将来】,专辑中有一首原唱歌曲《伴我一生》还是和她的偶像蔡可荔演唱的,侯俊辉能和偶像蔡可荔对唱情歌他感到特别开心,能和自己的偶像同台献唱是令侯俊辉最难忘的,让侯俊辉永生难忘,和偶像蔡可荔合作时的心情,那份激动,那份欢喜。1999年侯俊辉与马来西亚清纯女歌星张美玲组成了“金童玉女”组合并发行了【福建畅销金曲】系列专辑,其中有一张【福建双星情歌】里面的所有歌曲都是用蔡可荔之前用过的伴奏翻唱蔡可荔唱过的歌曲,可谓是一解侯俊辉哥哥对偶像蔡可荔的情愫的歌瘾,也让张美玲成为了侯俊辉哥哥很好的同事和朋友,侯俊辉与搭档张美玲因为专辑合唱的很默契,让一些歌迷误会他们是情侣,但张美玲表示侯俊辉不是她喜欢的类型,张美玲觉得侯俊辉不够成熟,张美玲表示他们只不过是认真的“同事”,这辈子做情侣是不可能的,侯俊辉因为加入南方唱片比张美玲早,所以侯俊辉是张美玲的师兄,侯俊辉长期以来对张美玲一直很关照把张美玲当成了自己很好的朋友,只不过这二人的组合当年貌似不是很受市场欢迎,这个时期也成了侯俊辉的音乐事业低谷时期,与此同时,侯俊辉的一些师兄师姐们如陈良泉、谢采妘、罗宾则选择脱离了南方唱片的南方群星贺岁团队,加入了威扬娱乐的八大巨星贺岁行业,与此同时,侯俊辉的偶像蔡可荔也在此时慢慢的开始信仰起了佛教,蔡可荔看到侯俊辉因自己的音乐事业低沉失落便好心劝说侯俊辉退出娱乐圈,不要再当歌手了,之后蔡可荔便从此不再听唱片公司的安排翻唱福建流行歌曲,开始按自己意愿要求唱片公司给自己灌录佛曲专辑,蔡可荔在2000年前后灌录了两张佛曲专辑然后就退出歌坛息唱了,留给侯俊辉的只是一段美好的回忆和人生一段不平凡的经历,这次侯俊辉于是听了偶像蔡可荔的劝告,毅然决然的退出南方唱片,决定退出唱片行业另谋出路。侯俊辉的搭档张美玲则选择继续留在南方唱片,自蔡可荔转唱佛曲退出乐坛息唱,南方唱片便把很多福建好歌安排给张美玲演唱,倾力栽培张美玲,之后的张美玲更是一改往日清纯形象走起性感惊艳路线,同时获得了广大歌迷的支持和喜爱,星路欢迎度节节飙升,也从福建公主一跃成为了“大马第二代福建歌后”,也成为了当时同样退出歌坛的侯俊辉一时高攀不起的大牌娱乐歌星,自此侯俊辉之后便与张美玲断绝联系好几年,开始慢慢经营起了自己的歌仔戏团。侯俊辉自小就爱看戏,隨著爷爷坐在戏台下,演员唱什么,他不必字幕,也不必旁人解释,全都听得懂。当年24岁决定开戏班当台主,身边人都不看好,光是钱,就丟了近万,大家都以为他疯了。他指若现时要投资戏班,资金远远比当时更高,“以前是铁喇叭,现在是小蜜蜂(携带式扩音器);以前的麦克风 是在台的两边的,走过去时,声音会大一点,走回台中间时,声音又变小了,现在的人哪里可以接受?”音响系统和舞台灯光有一定的要求,演员的装扮也不能马虎。针对这一点,侯俊辉对臺湾演员是由衷地佩服。侯俊辉说他和台湾演员也配合演出将近10年了,他们真的是国家级的演员。8个人登台一晚上,换40套戏服,这些戏服,在台湾有专人定做,都很华丽耀眼。另外,他们的化妆技术非常好,演员们的年龄和马来西亚本地演员差不多,但化妆后,差別很大。侯俊辉指自己是外行人,不会唱戏,纯粹只是爱看戏,因此一开始时,也经常被演员欺负。而今,16年岁月悠悠过去,反倒是他开始嫌弃演员。每次侯俊辉称赞台湾演员时,那些40、50岁的阿姨就申诉老板嫌我们老,但其实不是的,台湾演员有的年龄比她们还大,但她们懂得保持一个演员该有的样子,而本地阿姨们不注重包装,也没照顾身材。光凭这点,在专业度上,就有差別了。相信大家很难把侯俊辉和大戏班连想在一起,但是确确实实的年轻帅气的侯俊辉,就是大戏班的老板,更令人啧啧称奇的是升为老板的他,却又有一段近乎脱离现实,却冥冥中注定的事,侯俊辉不忌讳说,他曾经一度生活很潦倒到甚至不敢回家,他也曾经到天后宫求签许愿,由于喜欢看歌仔戏,他供奉田都元帅,话说他与妈祖有缘,阴差阳错,他当上大戏班老板,故事峰回路转,曲折迷离,俊辉很忙的,也难怪,唱歌,戏班,虽然戏班有人帮忙看,有些事情是不能假手于人的,侯俊辉说他背歌词不行,会有压力,不过既然接了,就会全力以赴,尽自己能力去做。西江月歌戏团班主的侯俊辉说,目前本地还有许多各种方言为主的戏班,如潮洲戏班、福建歌仔戏、粤剧等。他说,单单是福建歌仔戏班迄今大约还有20个,主要以闽语或者是福建话为主。“因为缺乏推动,歌仔戏班的发展仍处于原地踏步。”侯俊辉说,当年他除了录制唱片,也常在宴会、歌台登台表演,认识一些社团人士,后来在登台时也常成为一些戏班的“经纪人”,为一些本地戏班“穿针引线”。 他说,因有一些人从事戏班“经纪人”,以致在期间也发生接戏期出现“撞档”的情况,加上他向来对戏班有兴趣,也掀起自立戏班的念头。他指出,当初他成立西江月歌剧团时,所有一切从零开始,包括张罗演员、戏台、道具、戏服、饰物等。他说,冯着本身人脉及对戏班事业的认识,让福建歌仔戏班能继续发展迄今。他笑称,当初他是在不被看好的情况下,投身进入歌仔戏行业中,当时家人也不支持他投资和发展歌仔戏班。“当时有人说,只给我两年时间,就会看到这戏班“收档”,但我一做就是11年。”他说,也许因为其戏班的口碑不错,其家人也开始接受他发展戏班的决定。侯俊辉说,要当歌仔戏班主并不容易,因戏班琐碎事物相当多。他说,作为一位戏班班主,肩负的工作相当多,不只是要对外联络、接表演等,也要张罗戏班中的大小事物。侯俊辉说,若和以前比较起来,如今一套戏的场景也减少很多,通常只剩下5个场景。他说,以前的歌仔戏对于场景的要求相当严谨,通常都是配合不同的剧情要更换不同的场景。他指出,以前一套戏至少有10多个场景,只要据情一换地点,背后的布景也要更换。“例如说,如果情节是说在家里的话,背景就是大厅的布景,如果在公堂的话,背后就要换成是公堂的布景等。”他说,通常场景是以布景为主,在整套戏中,工作人员都要忙着换布景。“由于现今表演者少,剧情也减少,连场景最多也只剩下5个,分别是厅、公堂、金殿、花园或山林。”侯俊辉说,本地戏迷对于戏服相当的讲究,以致他们每年都要大手笔从中国、台湾入口较华丽的戏服和饰物。他说,他们曾一度使用本地缝制的戏服,但一些戏迷对于本地制作的戏服有些意见,觉得不够华丽。他指出,他们如今使用中国、台湾版的戏服,尤其是台湾版的戏服手工相当精致和华丽。他说,每一套戏中,每位演员所使用的戏服非常多,有些最少也要六、七套之多。“如果一套戏的角色多,每位角色都有不同的戏服,因此一套戏中可能要使用到的戏服就会相当多。他说,除了戏服,由于戏中的角色如小生、花旦、老生、文武等,头饰及帽子等也是非常多。“一套戏服如今已不便宜,如果是从台湾入口的戏服,在台湾至少都要3000令吉至6000令吉不等。侯俊辉说,因本地戏班一向来都已面对缺乏演员的情况,以致他们常常都会“外调”。他说,所谓的“外调”即是向其他戏班的演员询问在某些时候是否有空档,可抽出时间演出。他指出,他们也从聘请一些来自台湾、新加坡的戏班演员到来,参与本地演出。他说,除了缺乏演员,其他如乐歌、员工也相当缺乏,包括搭戏台、拉布景的员工等。他指出,以前在一个戏班内,聘请的乐师也要好几位,大家负责不同的乐器,但如今只是需要两三位乐师就是负责完所有乐器及音响等。“以前还有一些人是帮戏班搭戏台、拉布景之类,但如今我们要叫人搭神台、拉布景都很难找到人,现在我们都要聘请外劳,作一些搭戏台、拉布景等的工作。” 侯俊辉说,因面对运输费太高的问题,以致戏班也很难到外州演出。他说,由于戏班人多,要搬运的物品非常多,如戏台、场景、道具等,他们通常要出动罗厘运载。他指出,但如今运输费非常高,如果要到外州表演,一趟至少要数百令吉。“不管是在雪隆或外州演出,所给予的酬劳都差不多,但如果要到外州演出,还得扣除数百令吉的运输费,我们一般都是在雪隆一带表演比较多。”侯俊辉说,为让观众明白,如今的歌仔戏所使用的闽南话比较本地化,用词浅白许多。他说,如果根据传统福建歌仔戏,尤其是花旦、小生之类的主色,所说的对白、用词等都比较深。他指出,为迎合时代的转变,如今在歌仔戏中也加入一些现代化的元素,如一些较现代化的歌曲和音乐,及一些现代化的对白。他说,一般上一些比较无厘头、现代化的对白都出现在一些丑角如“三八”、“三花”等角色。“在歌仔戏中,“三八”、“三花”都属于丑角,也是每套戏中不可缺少的人物,他们都有带动气氛的作用,一些比较无厘头、比较现在化的口头禅、对白可从他们的口中说出来,但一般小生、花旦等都不会说如此的对白。”侯俊辉说,除了平常演出,如今在华人农历新年,也会有一些商团邀请,到商场、旅游景点扮财神,或者是身穿古装现身,与游客们拍照。他说,两年前的华人农历新年,在隆市也有一些酒廊共资邀请其演员,身穿戏服到场,让顾客拍照。“在一些特定节日时,一些商场或者是企业,就会邀请演员们穿着戏服去亮相,这对于我们来说,也是一种表现的机会和平台,至少可让年轻人从中了解歌仔戏。”侯俊辉表示,四年前开始受邀到城隍庙演出,为了让观众保持新鲜感,每一年都准备全新的剧目。他说,“这个舞台竞争性和压力都很大,因为观众会拿我们跟其他剧团比较,所以我们很重视。”他表示,因为每天更换剧目,所以团员只能在下午彩排,晚上就演出,不过演员都已有二三十年经验,就算即兴演出也不是问题。“福建王子”侯俊辉自7年前淡出歌坛,便专心经营他的福建戏班,期间很少在娱乐圈活动,期间还不忘看望已经怀孕的已经淡出唱片行业的圈内知名福建歌后小萍萍吴泓君,有时候会陪一些很好好友呵呵茶聊聊天。这7年来,侯俊辉跑遍全马大小城镇,他的歌仔戏班更是做出了名堂,侯俊辉昔日的搭档如今已成为大马高人气时尚性感歌后张美玲对其刮目相看赞叹不已,侯俊辉则与张美玲重新联系了起来又成为了好友,2007年侯俊辉友情参与了张美玲的福建畅销金曲专辑《海风海涌海茫茫》的录制,与张美玲对唱了一首歌曲【真爱只有你】,侯俊辉更是开玩笑说“与张美玲离婚了7年”。侯俊辉自歌仔戏事业取得成功后,虽然期间很多人也问及他何时再有新作品推出,他却丝毫不为所动,直到2009年,他意识到歌坛大吹福建风,所以才重拿麦克风,再发新专辑《福建金腔名曲、拼出第一名》。长得结实,笑容也可掬的侯俊辉说“这些年我一直往台湾跑,除了有生意上的需要之外,我也结交了不少创作台湾唱闽南话歌曲的朋友,这次录音他们也给予我不少宝贵的意见,比如唱腔上的修正,福建咬字的准确度,让我从中获益匪浅。”这次拍摄MV,侯俊辉笑说从来没有这么轻松过。“因为MV多数是在室内取镜,再依靠后期电脑科技剪辑,连两名美女模特儿也是未曾见面,完全“零交流”,完成后让电脑作结合工作,比如拍摄《心落雪》,从化妆到服饰,都是冬天的造型,胆识看起来又似乎没甚么破绽。”侯俊辉说还是第一次对着空气演戏,直说那种感觉很微妙。同年4月,侯俊辉创作填词了一首【美酒掺咖啡】的歌曲,这首歌词作的好很美更是被南方唱片安排给了张美玲演唱,侯俊辉也友情参与了这首歌MV的拍摄,表演的是一个负心的人背叛了原来的女友如同歌曲里所诠释的意思。2010年是侯俊辉脱胎换骨的年份,在精密的策划下,侯俊辉毅然转换跑道,灌录首张华语专辑《流行魅力恋歌/明天》,在歌坛上发出一道亮眼的光芒,侯俊辉厚实沉稳的唱法,将许多市场流行的好歌唱出本身的味道,取下漂亮的成绩。重新上路、再度出发的侯俊辉展现出更成熟的唱腔魅力,从偶像移位至实力派歌星。 2011年侯俊辉发行了个人的第二张华语专辑《问感情》,侯俊辉招牌笑容,融化了女粉丝的心,侯俊辉的新专辑快要面市的时候,南方唱片的工作人员真的有点担心他的MV不懂拍成怎样!工作不忘娱乐的他很调皮,在危险地带睡觉睡着了,让工作人员很是为他担心!同年侯俊辉参与了南方唱片女歌手黄晓凤的个人专辑《我太爱你》,流行天后新经典,打造流行新惊喜,温柔魅力永相随,黄晓凤与侯俊辉因为合唱【情歌写在彩云上】而结下歌缘,两人在录制歌曲的过程中互相对彼此产生了好感,之后由于两人的多首合唱曲皆大受欢迎,公司遂把两人撮合成“金童玉女”。同年,侯俊辉的默契搭档张美玲转换新歌路,交出首张华语个人专辑《华语流行恋歌/疏远》,张美玲终于下定决心"转换跑道",正式涉足华语歌坛,并且为了显示诚意,侯俊辉在此张专辑中也与张美玲对唱了一首歌曲【爱情长跑】 2012年侯俊辉全新个人专辑「流行魅力恋歌」第三辑《离开你/七天》散发更大魅力,信心满满昂首上市。重新上路、再度出发的侯俊辉展现出更成熟的唱腔魅力,从偶像移位至实力派歌星,交出了全新「流行魅力恋歌III/离开你。七天」,收录更多强势好歌,包括【心借过】、原创新歌【寂寞探戈】、以及和黄晓凤合唱【偶然】等,侯俊辉在【心借过】MV当中真情流露,留下了男儿泪,也让唱片工作人员猜测是不是这首动人的歌曲勾起了侯俊辉一些回忆呢?极富亲和力的侯俊辉因为此张专辑有更广阔的发展空间。同年,侯俊辉的搭档张美玲华语流行恋歌II《悲伤的海洋》在7月发片,侯俊辉在这张专辑中与张美玲合唱【我怎能离开你】,南方唱片机构有限公司更是卯足全力,在包装上落足功夫,有了十足的信心,唱片公司更是毫不犹豫安排电视广告全天候强打,在华丽的服饰衬托下,张美玲散发了全新的性感时尚魅力。同年8年,侯俊辉参与南方唱片新来的歌手陈俐绢师妹的个人华语专辑《一串心》,与其对唱歌曲【红尘情歌】,这是一首深受听众喜爱的歌曲,侯俊辉演技表情十分到位,MV诉说前世两个相爱的人无法在一起,今世两人再续前缘。 2013年侯俊辉发行了流行魅力恋歌4《爱上你是我的错》,随着成功转唱华语歌曲获得热烈回响之后,三张专辑下来,侯俊辉已经成为华语歌坛一个令人期待的帅哥,在千呼万唤之下,侯俊辉「流行魅力恋歌」第4辑「爱上你是我的错」,经过新锐制作人多月来的闭关精心打造,如今终于宣告精致完工,堂皇上市了!挂帅主打的专辑标题歌曲,依然是由策划人纪德喜,联袂默契伙伴制作人郑国亮,打造的另一首深情外放的原创新歌【爱上你是我的错】,直截了当的点题歌名,在激情四溢的旋律中,深情道出了情伤之后的“男人的痛”,相信很快的会成为K场传唱度极高的本地创作歌曲,侯俊辉在新专辑里,特地挑选这首【如果没有你】,希望大家会喜欢。【爱你那么难】这首歌曲是一首全新制作,刘珺儿给大家不少好的口牌,希望侯俊辉也唱出他的味道他的心声。【浪迹天涯】是一首节奏轻快的好歌,带入了少许山地曲风的编曲手法,听来更为轻快悦耳。南方唱片机构强势推荐,侯俊辉随片附赠与林必嫃对唱的歌曲【今夜又是下着雨】男女声伴唱版,最令侯俊辉感觉“压力”的,莫过于师妹林必媜的帮腔合唱「今夜又是下着雨」,面对技巧超棒的这把优越女声,侯俊辉不禁主动跟制作人承诺:“请相信我,一定尽全力把这首歌唱好!”,认真的态度,也在无形中为专辑加分了,所以我们在这首合唱歌曲里,听到了两把全新和谐的歌声,在歌声的交会里迸发的撼动力。林必媜加盟南方唱片,策划人和制作人特地改写及灌唱这首【一杯咖啡】,引起市场广泛回响,在K场大受欢迎,现在侯俊辉第4辑新专辑里,也灌录了这首好歌的男生版,希望会同样带给大家一份全新的听歌喜悦。侯俊辉张专辑更是在全国强势上架。同年6月,侯俊辉参与了继蔡可荔、张美玲大马第三代福建歌后董美燕的华语专辑《想不起》,并与董美燕对唱了粉丝和偶像的歌曲【我听过你的歌】,董美燕则表示她听过侯俊辉的歌曲,并称赞侯俊辉唱歌很好听。同年,张美玲福建贺岁专辑《接财神》发行,好友师哥侯俊辉今次也义不容辞,开腔与张美玲合唱了一首大家耳熟能详的好歌【五路财神照顾你】,在两人默契交会的歌声里,听来更是感人,洋溢了浓浓的新春喜气,尤其是生性贪玩的侯俊辉,更在MV里扮出醉态,几度弄得张美玲禁不住笑场呢。 2014年成功转唱华语歌曲的侯俊辉获得热烈回响之后,第四张专辑已在市场热卖,他已经成为华语歌坛一个令人期待的帅哥,在千呼万唤之下,侯俊辉发行了流行魅力恋歌 V【圆满】,这首歌在歌坛创下漂亮成绩,这首旋律优美、词意正面的原创新歌,也在印尼及泰国等地大受欢迎,成为k场热爆点唱歌曲。同年,南方唱片的女歌手刘珺儿华语情歌恋曲II发行,难得的是,刘珺儿要求师兄侯俊辉合唱【祝你顺风】更是擦出了不一样的火花! 2015年帅气情歌王子侯俊辉,士气大增的侯俊辉,再度与合作无间的金牌制作人,交出了万众期待、全新的《流行魅力恋歌6鸳鸯一场》,也是侯俊辉首次以高清摄影器材摄制的专辑,镜头下的侯俊辉雄姿英发,笑脸迎人,加上帅气的服装造型,为这些金曲点缀加分不少,辑中收录许多时下流行的好歌包括:「扪心自问」、「我爱你」、「晴时多云偶阵雨」、「痴痴缠」、「牵手」、「是否」、「心甘情愿」、湛爱铃的主打新歌「手中沙」,还有描述亲情的中国歌曲「当你老了」,重新编曲的经典金曲「重逢」,首首都交出真心实意,感动无穷。久未露面的陈俐绢也特别友情献声,与侯俊辉合唱了台湾闽南语歌曲非常受落的「蝴蝶梦」,填上华语歌词之后,绽放新光芒,两人的合作,迸发出令人惊喜万分的火花。策划人将台湾歌唱比赛的强歌、旋律琅琅上口、感性饱满的【鸳鸯一场】,改编上华语歌词,令人一听就爱,在录制的同时决定录制另一个福建版,重复聆听,荡气回肠。同年欧俪雯长情贺岁金曲【春到花开许心愿】由侯俊辉参与合唱,南方唱片两大帅哥--侯俊辉和许文友,更是义不容辞的,分别和同门师姐妹合唱了「春到花开许心愿」、「万事如意」,首次在专辑中合唱,擦出了不一样的音乐火花,同年4月,侯俊辉又参与了师妹欧俪雯的专辑【女人的苦】,欧俪雯虽然年纪比侯俊辉大但是加入南方唱片比侯俊辉晚所以侯俊辉就成了欧俪雯的师兄,侯俊辉更是在MV中扮大叔,侯俊辉与欧俪雯关系很好,两人还会正面接吻,侯俊辉称之为欧阿姨,欧俪雯对侯俊辉也很蛮照顾,欧俪雯也很喜欢这位玩性大爱撒娇的大男孩侯俊辉,侯俊辉更是在演唱会更说要爆她的年龄惹得欧俪雯捉他上舞台足以证明欧俪雯在马来西亚娱乐圈人缘极好。同年侯俊辉与好友黄晓凤在南方群星专辑《魅力情歌对唱2》中对唱了一首原唱新歌【爱情十字路口】,原创新歌“爱情十字路口”是唱片策划人纪德喜和制作人郑国亮的羊年新作品,是一首琅琅上口,内容扎实的伤感情歌,黄晓凤和侯俊辉的合唱早已赢尽掌声和喝彩,今次两人的合作更是令人拍案称好,加上唯美得不行的画面,愈加令人愈听愈爱。同年5月,侯俊辉好友黄晓凤「流行魅力恋歌」第七辑发行,依然由新锐制作人郑国亮操刀制作,除了收录挂帅主打原创新歌外,又鉴于最近歌坛盛传黄晓凤似乎有意隐退,制作人郑国亮有感而作,包办词曲写下了第二原创主打歌曲,辑中收录了很多时下流行的好歌包括有师兄侯俊辉的代表名曲【圆满】,以及侯俊辉献声合唱金曲【你是我的唯一】。 2016年,侯俊辉的搭档张美玲发布个人第四张华语专辑《缘分的谎》,同时与张美玲有深厚默契的好友侯俊辉,也特别友情献声,与张美玲合唱了八十年代红极一时的【相逢夕阳下】,这张专辑MV采用高清技术拍摄,张美玲即便天生丽质仍然战战兢兢,侯俊辉与张美玲在MV中两人默契十足,唱出了令人惊喜的绚丽火花,她与好友侯俊辉每张专辑都合唱的好默契,让歌迷误会他们是情侣,闻言的张美玲瞪大眼笑说道:“我下辈子才考虑她,这辈子是不可能的!”同年年南方群星专辑【魅力情歌对唱3】正式发行,侯俊辉加郭雯雯... 不懂几时变成新组合?有朋友问,他们... 在做什么?他们到底在筹备什么专辑?什么歌曲?【没有你的城市】侯俊辉与郭雯雯合唱的原创新歌,魅力情歌对唱3已经面市了。很惊讶的是.... 侯俊辉居然可以邀请到郭雯雯合唱。真的是一对“新金童玉女”,同时这首歌曲也带给了很多听众深刻的印象。同年吴玮琳加入南方唱片首张个人专辑经典恋歌金曲发行,【明明白白我的心】侯俊辉参与了这首歌的合唱,高清版,同样以DVD+CD优惠价出售,具备双声道功能,声道1/2原声导唱,2/2卡拉伴唱,而且同样保留了附送【明明白白我的心】男女声伴唱版功能,贴心安排,相信必会受到广大歌手的爱戴。同年,侯俊辉的好友黄晓凤发行个人第八张专辑【思念】,精挑细选的歌曲包括与侯俊辉合唱的【冬恋】,几乎每一首选曲都带着黄晓凤的心意,在导演用心的镜头拿捏下,黄晓凤散发成熟亲和的女性魅力,这班出色的幕后精英, 诚意十足的联袂拍摄制作,后制期的细心剪辑手法,令MV画面生色不少,很多看过DVD画面效果的人,都纷纷赞说,黄晓凤这张首张高清DVD,除了选曲精准以外,MV画面也看头十足,确实让人看到她成熟感性的一面。具备双声道功能,声道1/2原声导唱,2/2卡拉伴唱,而且同样保留了附送侯俊辉参与的歌【冬恋】男女声伴唱版功能,贴心安排。 2017年侯俊辉推出新专辑,表示这张是有史以来录得最久的一张专辑。提及自己个人演唱会,他笑说完全没有计划,因为感觉压力太大。侯俊辉带来第7张专辑《男人泪》,擅长演唱福建歌的他,表示这张是花了最长时间录音的专辑,尤其福建歌《落雨声》,他说:「我以为没问题,可是真的不简单,难度比以往高,重录了3天,因为这首歌味道不一样,需要更细腻的感情演绎。专辑首先跟大家“见面”的第一首歌曲,是一首闽南语改词的【天意】,侯俊辉继【明天】之后,再度唱出由台湾音乐人江志丰老师新作品、填上华语歌词的【天意】,同样带给大家一份全新的听歌喜悦。专辑中收录了一首和顏愫蓉合唱的【你是我心內的一首歌】,询及两人的合作,侯俊辉说:“我和南方唱片的女歌手都合作过了,唯独顏愫蓉,我觉得这首歌很適合我们。”至于最喜欢专辑中的哪一首歌,他说:“主打歌【男人泪】,有被刺中心坎的感觉。”第一张就靠闽南语改编歌曲[明天]打开一片天,之后[心碎]也创下高销量纪录,这次也不列外,策划人也为他把另一首脍炙人口的闽南语歌曲填词话语歌词【思念你】,侯俊辉也相信会受到很多歌迷的喜爱。此外,精挑细选的歌曲包括:「一生的选择」、「爱情傀儡」、「我等到花儿也谢了」、「又是细雨」、[又见炊烟]、[心爱的别哭],中国网络情歌「错过了缘分错过你」、[莲心]、黄晓凤新专辑主打新歌「思念」,以及师妹颜愫蓉合唱的「你是我心内的一首歌」,几乎每一首选曲都带着侯俊辉的心意。很成功的一张专辑,画面非常清晰,音质好,果然,是南方公司转换跑道演唱华语歌曲多年,侯俊辉每一张专辑都获得歌友认同及喜爱,他每张专辑的原创新歌,和改编自台湾闽南语歌曲的歌曲,都深深获得各界的赞赏,这是让侯俊辉感到非常欣慰的。 2018年, 个人作品: 1995--【你现在好吗+有人照顾无】 1996--【福建流行4 IN 1】 1998--【惜钱好将来】 2010--【明天】 2011--【问感情】 2012--【离开你】 2013--【福建金腔名曲】 2014--【圆满】 2017--【男人泪】 参与合辑(资料不全): 1995--【南方群星大拜年 新春组曲】 1996--【南方群星大拜年 金狮拜年】 1997--【南方群星大对唱 大漠风沙】【南方群星大拜年 招财进宝】 1998--【南方群星大拜年 马到功成】 1999--【福建情歌对唱(侯俊辉VS张美玲)】【南方群星大拜年 千禧庆龙年】 2000--【南方群星大拜年 新年颂】【福建双星情歌(侯俊辉VS张美玲)】 2001--【南方群星大拜年 飞跃巅峰大汇演】 2002--【南方群星大拜年 年年欢乐年】 2010--【南方群星大拜年 好幸福】 2011--【南方群星大拜年 大庆日】 Ben How's personal profile (International Edition) English Name: Ben How Sex: Male Nationality: Malaysia Home: Kuala Lumpur Religious belief: Taoism Sexual orientation: bisexuality Blood type: O type Birthday: December 28, 1976 Marital status: married Education: Secondary School Specialty: Cooking Language: national language, Fujian language Occupation: singer, opera troupe boss, MV actor, etc. Date of departure: 1995 Music representative works: accompany my life, borrow money good future, perfect, man tears, etc. Music type: popular popularity Brokers: Malaysia NewSouthern limited Institutional Firms Favorite music: Callie Chua's songs and songs of her own, love to see opera. Best favorite artist: Callie Chua Favorite collection: Tsai Chi's album The happiest thing in life: to be a singer and an idol Callie Chua. Favorite sport: walking Favorite dress: casual clothes Desire goal: to be able to become a famous singer in Malaysia with the idol Cai Cai Li. Hobby: idol Callie Chua, love to watch the Opera Specialty: Cooking Character: straightforward, lively, sunny and cheerful. International Edition: Ben How, the male artist of the southern record company, has the title of "the little prince of Malaysia Fujian", representing the work of "perfection". Ben How, Prince of love songs, is a male singer under the southern recording agency. With the sun's handsome appearance, as well as a powerful magnetic singing, the publication of a number of individual Fujian album, is a few Malaysia domestic is recognized as the full charm of the charm of the male voice of Fujian. Before going to the song world, Ben How was still a culinary class in the college, but when the singer was his wish, he took part in the vocal course after he finished his study and entered the singing career under the teacher's recommendation. In addition to being a famous Hongkong dessert master, Ben How was also a master of the famous Hongkong dessert shop, or the president of the "after Fujian song" Callie Chua fan meeting. He laughed and said, "I am so happy that I didn't even think about it." Although he loved singing, Ben How did not say that he had never had the courage to stand on the stage since primary school, until he stepped into the social work, and went to a singing contest held in a radio station. His songs were attracted to the attention of his friends. The company test sound, and successful step into the development of the song world, recollection of the address of the original record record company's address, that is crazy, he said: "God, it is the South institution, how so, it is too unimaginable at the moment." Ben How admired Callie Chua very much in his high school years. In the age of no face book, micro-blog, and underdeveloped Internet, he wanted to write to the record company, explaining that he wanted to set up Cai Li Song friends association. With the proposal being repaired, he was also the president of the song friends Association. He mentioned that Ben How was praised by Callie Chua's broker at that time. He also asked him if he wanted to be a singer, but he was opposed by CAI and he gave him advice, "do not, you have a stable job and do it well. After all, there is a chance to rush out of the country. It's not easy for a male singer to take a seat in a horse. You can afford it today." Ben How said that although he knew Callie Chua long, but at that time he was really too fond of singing and only wanted to sing, and the advice could not be heard as a singer. "To be honest, for 20 years, my singing career has not gone well and has experienced high and low tide, but I have not regretted the decision that I had chosen to be a singer. After all, I also know how much I have paid for the career of singing, so I can accept it as well." Ben How said that the opportunity to cooperate with Tsai Li in the South institution was not much, "because after I entered, she also slowly withdrew. I remember the first cooperation was singing new year's song. After all, it was a big class, so it was not too nervous. The second cooperation was a chorus love song. My heart was so nervous that I had been in the studio successively. Recordings, my pressure is not that big. " Don't look at Ben How's bluntness and even the tongue. As soon as he met the idol, he was nervous and stuttering. "I'll talk to sister lychee now or be trembling. I respect her very much." After joining the southern record, Ben How released his first album of personal Fujian in 1995 [is you good now + care], and released second individual Fujian albums in 1996 [Fujian popular 4 IN 1], and in 1998 Ben How issued a personal third Fujian album [to cherish the future] with one of the album. The first song "with my life" or her idol Choi Chi sang, Ben How can sing love songs with his idol Callie Chua, he is very happy, and his idol to sing is to make Ben How the most memorable, let Ben How unforgettable, and the idol Callie Chua cooperation mood, that excitement, that joy . In 1999, Ben How and the pure female singer Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji of Malaysia formed a "golden girl" combination and issued a series of "Fujian best-selling Golden Music" series, of which all the songs in the "Fujian double love song" were songs sung by Callie Chua before Callie Chua's accompaniment, a solution of Ben How. Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji became a good colleague and friend of Ben How's brother. Ben How and partner Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji were very good colleagues and friends. Ben How and partner Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji had a good agreement with the album, and some fans misunderstood them as lovers, but Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji said Ben How was not her favorite type, and Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji felt immature was not mature enough. Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji said they were only serious "colleagues". It was impossible to be a lover in this life. Ben How was earlier than Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji to join the southern record, so Ben How was Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji's brother. Ben How had long been a good friend to Zhang Mei Ling to take Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji as his good friend, only these two people. The combination of the year seemed not to be popular with the market, and this period became a period for Ben How's music career. At the same time, some of Ben How's elder brothers and sisters, such as Chen Liangquan, Xie Caiyun and Robin, chose the southern group of Southern stars from southern records to join the eight big stars of the entertainment industry. At the same time, Ben How's idol, Callie Chua, slowly began to believe in Buddhism at this time, and Callie Chua saw Hou Jun Fai because of his low loss of music and persuaded Ben How to withdraw from the entertainment circle, not to be a singer again, and then Callie Chua never listened to the arrangement of the singing company to sing the Fujian pop songs. He began to ask the record company to record his own album of Buddhist music according to his wishes. Cai Cico recorded two album of Buddhist songs before and after 2000 and then quit singing, leaving Ben How a beautiful memory and an extraordinary experience of life. This time Ben How listened to the advice of the idol Callie Chua, resolutely Resolutely quit the southern record, decided to withdraw from the recording industry to find another way out.Ben How's partner, Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji, chose to stay in the southern record, and from CAI to sing the Buddha to sing the music, and the southern records set many Fujian songs to Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji to sing and cultivate Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji. After that, Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji changed the pure image of the past to a sexy route and got a lot of fans. Support and love, the popularity of the star road soared, and from the princess of Fujian jumped into "the second generation of Fujian after the great horse", and also became the same time to withdraw from the singing of Ben How, a high brand of great entertainment singers, since Hou Jun Hui and Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji broke up with the Department for several years, began to start slowly to operate from the beginning. His own opera troupe. Ben How loved to see a play since he was young. With his grandfather sitting on the stage, what the actor sang, he did not need to subtitle, nor need anyone else to explain. At the age of 24, he decided to start a drama class. Everyone around him was not optimistic. He lost nearly ten thousand dollars, and everyone thought he was crazy. He pointed out that if you want to invest in the theatrical troupe, the money is far higher than that at the time. "Before, it was a trumpet, now a small bee (a portable loudspeaker); the previous microphone was on both sides of the platform. As he walked, the sound would be a little bigger, and when you walked back to the platform, the sound became smaller, where can people accept it?" The sound system and stage lighting have certain requirements, and the actors can not be dressed up carelessly. In response to this, Ben How was sincerely admired by Taiwan actors. Ben How said he and Taiwan actors have been performing for nearly 10 years. They are really national actors. 8 people went to the stage one night to change 40 suits. The costumes were specially made in Taiwan, and they were gorgeous. Besides, their make-up techniques are very good, and the actors are almost the same age as local actors in Malaysia, but after make-up, they are very different. Ben How pointed out that he was a layman, he could not play the opera, he just loved to watch the play, so he was often bullied by actors at the beginning. Now, in the past 16 years, he began to despise actors. Every time Ben How praised the Taiwan actors, the 40 - and 50 - year - old aunts told the boss that we were old, but not in fact, the Taiwan actors were older than they were, but they knew how to keep an actor like it, and the local aunts did not pay attention to the packing, and did not take care of their stature. With this, there is a difference in professionalism. I believe that it is difficult to think of Ben How and the drama class together, but indeed the real young and handsome Ben How, the boss of the big play class, is even more surprising to his boss, but there is a near disengagement, but the doomed thing, Ben How did not taboo to say, he once lived very badly to even do not Dare to go home, he has also been to the Thean Hou Temple to sign a wish, because he likes to see the opera, he worshiped Tatsu Yuan, saying that he was with Mazu, he was the boss of a big troupe, he was the boss of a big troupe, the story was turned back, the twists and turns were very busy. Junhui said he had no pressure to memorizing the lyrics, but since he answered, he would go all out to do his best.Ben How, the class leader of the Xijiang opera group, said there are many local theatrical troupes, such as Chao Chau troupe, Fujian opera and Cantonese opera. He said that there were about 20 Fujian opera troupes so far, mainly in Min dialect or Fujian dialect. "Due to the lack of promotion, the development of the opera troupe is still at a standstill." Ben How said that, in addition to recording records, he often performed at banquets and songs, and knew some community personages. Later, he often became a "broker" of some theatrical troupes at the stage of the stage, and "lead the line" for some local theatrical troupes.He said that some people were engaged in the "brokers" of theatrical troupes, so that there was a "collision" in the period of the play, as well as his interest in the theatrical troupe, and the idea of a self-employed class. He pointed out that when he founded the Xijiang opera opera troupe, everything started from scratch, including actors, stage, props, costumes, decorations and so on. He said that Feng knew his own connections and his understanding of theatrical career, so that the Fujian Opera Troupe could continue to develop so far. He laughs at the fact that when he was not optimistic, he threw himself into the opera industry. At that time, his family did not support him in investing and developing the opera class. "At that time, some people said that only two years would be enough for me to see that the troupe was" stall ", but I did it for 11 years. He said that perhaps because of the good reputation of his theatrical troupe, his family began to accept his decision to develop theatrical troupe. Ben How said that it is not easy to be a Taiwanese Opera Troupe, because there are quite a lot of trivial things in theatrical troupes. He said that as a troupe, there are quite a lot of tasks for the troupe, not only for external liaison, for performances, but also for the size of theatrical troupes. Ben How said that if compared with the past, the scene of a play is also reduced a lot, usually only 5 scenes. He said that the previous song opera had strict requirements for scenes, usually with different scenarios to replace different scenes. He pointed out that there were at least more than 10 scenes in the previous play, and the scenery behind it should be replaced as long as the place was changed. "For example, if the plot is at home, the background is the setting of the hall. If it is in the courtroom, it will be replaced by a public gallery." He said, usually the scene is mainly set up, in the entire play, the staff are busy to change scenery. "Because there are fewer performers and less drama, there are at most 5 scenes, namely the hall, the hall, the golden hall, the garden or the mountain forest." Ben How said local opera fans are so fastidious about costumes that they have to import large costumes and decorations from China and Taiwan every year. He said they used local sewing costumes for a while, but some fans didn't feel enough about the local costumes. He pointed out that they now use Chinese and Taiwan costumes, especially the Taiwan version of costumes, which are exquisite and gorgeous. He said that in every play, every actor used quite a lot of costumes, and at least six or seven sets. "If a play has many roles, each character has different costumes, so there may be quite a lot of costumes that may be used in a play. He said that in addition to costumes, because the role of drama, such as Xiao Sheng, Hua Dan, Lao Sheng, Wen Wu, and so on, headgear and hats are also very many. "A set of costumes is not cheap nowadays. If the costumes imported from Taiwan, at least 3000 ringgi to 6000 ringgit in Taiwan. Ben How said that because the local theatrical troupe has always been faced with the lack of actors, they often "tune in". He said that the so-called "tune up" means asking actors in other theatrical troupes whether they have any space at certain times, so that they can take time to perform. He pointed out that they also hired some troupe actors from Taiwan and Singapore to participate in the local performance. He said that in addition to the lack of actors, others such as music and songs, and staff members were also quite short, including stage theaters, LabVIEW staff and so on. He pointed out that in a theatrical troupe, he used to be a few musicians who were in charge of different instruments, but now only two or three musicians are in charge of all the instruments and sound. "There were some people who used to help the theatrical troupe and the scene of the Labrador, but now we have to call people on the altar and rob. It's hard to find people. Now we all have to hire a number of work for a stage, a view, and so on."Ben How said that because of the high transport costs, theatrical troupes are also very difficult to perform in other states. He said that due to the large number of people in the theatrical troupe, there are so many objects to move, such as stage, scene, props, etc., they usually have to launch Lori. He pointed out that transportation costs are very high nowadays. If you want to perform in a foreign state, there are at least hundreds of ringgit. "Regardless of the performance in the snow long or the outside state, the remuneration is the same, but if we want to go to a foreign state, we have to deduct the transport fee of hundreds of ringgi, and we usually perform a lot in the snow long area." Ben How said that in order to make the audience understand that the Taiwanese dialect used in today's opera is relatively localized, with many words. He said that according to the traditional Fujian opera, especially the main colors such as Hua Dan, Xiao Sheng and so on, the dialogue and diction are very deep. He pointed out that in order to cater for the change of the times, there are some modern elements in the opera, such as some more modern songs and music, and some modern dialogues. He said that in general, some relatively nonsensical and modern dialogues appear in some characters such as "38" and "three flowers". "In the opera," 38 "and" three flowers "all belong to the clown. They are also indispensable characters in each set of operas. They all have the role of driving the atmosphere. Some of them are more indifferent and more present, and the dialogue can be said from their mouths, but they do not say such dialogue. Ben How said, in addition to the ordinary performance, now in the Chinese Lunar New Year, there will be some business groups invited to the shopping malls, tourist attractions as God, or dressed in ancient clothes, and the tourists take pictures. He said two years ago on the Chinese Lunar New Year, some lounges in the city also invited their actors to come to the theater wearing costumes for customers to take photos. "In some special festivals, some shopping malls or enterprises will invite actors to wear costumes to appear, which is also a performance opportunity and platform for us, at least for young people to understand the opera." Ben How said that four years ago, he was invited to perform in Town God's Temple. In order to keep the audience fresh, every year a new repertoire was prepared. He said, "this stage is very competitive and pressure, because the audience will compare us with other theatrical troupes, so we attach great importance to it." He said that because the repertoire is replaced every day, the members can only rehearse in the afternoon and perform at night, but the actors have twenty or thirty years of experience, even if impromptu is not a problem. "Prince of Fujian" Ben How had been out of the song world 7 years ago, and he was interested in running his Fujian theatrical troupe, rarely in the entertainment circle. During the period, he did not forget to see the well-known Fujian singer, Xiao Ping Wu, who had already fallen out of the record industry.In the past 7 years, Ben How has run all over the whole horse and town, his opera class is more famous, Ben How's former partner has now become a big horse high fashion sexy song after Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji's admiration, Ben How and Zhang Mei Ling reconnected to become a friend, in 2007 Ben How to participate in friendship participation Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji's Fujian best-selling album, "the sea of sea breeze," was recorded, and Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji sang a song [true love only you], Ben How was more joking about "divorced Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji for 7 years". After Ben How's success in the career of the opera, although many people also asked him when he had a new work, he did not move in the slightest. He realized that in 2009, he realized that the singing world was a big blow to Fujian, so he took the microphone again, and then issued a new album, "Fujian golden opera famous song, first place". "I have been running to Taiwan over the years," Ben How said. "In addition to business needs, I made a lot of friends who wrote songs from Taiwan to sing Minnan dialect. This time, they also gave me a lot of valuable advice, such as the correction in the singing, the accuracy of the Fujian bite. There is a lot of benefit from it. " This time filming MV, Ben How laughs, has never been so relaxed. "Because most of the MV is in the room to take a mirror, and then rely on the late computer science and technology editing, even two beautiful models have not met, complete" zero exchange ", after the completion of the computer to make a combination of work, such as shooting" heart snow ", from make-up to clothing, is the shape of winter, courage looks seems to have nothing to break. Ben How said it was the first time to play in the air, and it was very subtle to say it directly. In April of the same year, Ben How wrote a song that wrote a song of "coffee with coffee". The lyrics were good and beautiful and were arranged by the southern record to Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji. Ben How also took part in the song MV. A negative person betrayed the meaning of the original girlfriend as the song has interpreted. 2010 is Ben How reborn year, in the precise planning, Ben How resolutely converted the runway, the first Chinese album, "popular charm love song / tomorrow", a bright light in the song, Ben How's thick and steady singing, many popular songs in the market sing their taste, take off beautiful Results. Ben How, who started again and started again, showed more mature singing charm, shifting from idols to powerful pop stars.In 2011, Ben How released his second Chinese album, "ask emotion," Ben How's sign smile, melted the heart of the female fans. When Ben How's new album was coming to the market, the staff of the southern record were really worried about how his MV didn't know how to make it! He is very naughty in his work. He sleeps in the danger zone, so that the staff are worried about him. In the same year Ben How participated in the southern album female singer Huang Xiaofeng's personal album "I love you", a new pop classic, a new pop surprise, a gentle charm, and Huang Xiaofeng and Ben How, because the chorus [love songs are written on the clouds], and the two people produced each other during the recording of the song. After that, many of the two chorus songs were popular, so the company assembled two people into "golden children and jade girls". In the same year, Ben How's tacit partner Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji converted the new song road and handed over his first Chinese album, "Chinese pop love song / alienation". Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji finally decided to "turn the runway" into Chinese singing, and in order to show sincerity, Ben How also sang a song with Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji on this album [long love long]. Run]In 2012, Ben How's new album "pop love song" third series "leaving you / seven days" gives more charm and confidence. Ben How, who went back on the road and started out again, showed a more mature glamour, from idols to the strength of the singer, and gave out a new "popular charm III/ to leave you." Seven days ", including more powerful songs, including [heart borrowing], original new song [lonesome Tango], and Huang Xiao Feng chorus [incidental], Ben How revealed the truth in MV, left a man's tears, and asked the record staff to guess if this moving song has recalled Ben How's memories. What? Ben How, who is very affable, has broader development space because of this album. In the same year, Ben How's partner, Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji, a popular Chinese Romantic Song II "the ocean of sadness", made a film in July. Ben How was singing with Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji in this album [how can I leave you]. The southern Record Company Limited is more full of effort, with full confidence in the packing, the record company is not hesitating. Arrange TV ads to fight all day, and Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji presents a new sexy fashion charm against gorgeous costumes. In the 8 year of the same year, Ben How participated in a series of Chinese language album "a series of hearts" by Chen Lijuan, a new singer of Southern records, and his singing song [red dust song]. This is a favorite song from the audience. Ben How's acting expression is in perfect position. MV said that the two lovers in previous generations could not be together, and the two people in this world continued their front. In 2013, Ben How issued a popular charm song 4 "falling in love with you is my fault". With the successful singing of Chinese songs, the three album came down, and Ben How has become an expectant handsome Chinese singer. Under a thousand calls, the fourth "love song" of Ben How "falls in love with you" The mistake "has been carefully constructed by the new generation of producers over the past few months, and now it is finally announced that it is finely finished and the grand listing is coming! The title song of the master's album is still an original new song made by the planner Ji Dexi and Zheng Guoliang, the co producer of the tacit partner, to create another original new song of deep affection [falling in love with you is my fault], the straight title song name, in the passionate melody, the "man's pain" after the sentimental injury. The letter will soon become a local creative song in the K field, and Ben How, in the new album, specially selects the first [if you do not have], and hopes everyone will like it. [love you so hard] this song is a brand-new production, Liu Juner gave you a lot of good cards, hope Hou Jun Hui also sing his taste. Wandering around the world is a lively and lively song, bringing in a little arrangement of mountain style music, which sounds more pleasant and pleasant. The southern record agency is strongly recommended, and Ben How is accompanied by the song of the film and the song [this night is raining]. Ben How feels "pressure" most, no more than his sister Lin's chorus, "this night is raining." Ben How can not help but face the superior female voice. The producer and the producer promised: "please believe me, do your best to sing this song well!" In this chorus song, we have heard two new and harmonious songs in this chorus, and the shock of the song's rendezvous. Mr. Lin joined the southern record, the planner and the producer specially rewrote and sings this [a cup of coffee], which caused the market to reverberate and was popular in the K field. Now, in the fourth album of Ben How, the male version of the good song is also recorded, hoping to bring a new song of joy to everyone. Ben How's album is more powerful in the country. In June of the same year, Ben How participated in Callie Chua and Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji's third generation of Fujian song Dong Meiyan's Chinese album, "can not think", and sang with Dong Meiyan fans and idols of the song [I heard your song], Dong Meiyan said she heard Ben How's songs, and called Zan Hou Jun singing very good singing. In the same year, Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji's Fujian new year album, "the God of wealth" issued, the good friend teacher Ben How is also unshirkable this time, singing with Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji singing a well known good song [five way of wealth God care you], in the two silent song of the rendezvous, listening to more touching, overflowing the strong new spring happiness, especially the birth of the new year. Ben How, a sex lover, even played a drunken state in MV. He could not help laughing at Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji for several times.After Ben How's successful singing of Chinese songs in 2014, Ben How had a warm reverberation, the fourth album has been sold in the market. He has become a handsome Chinese singer, and under a thousand calls, Ben How issued a popular charm song V [perfect]. This song is a beautiful song, the melody is beautiful. The original song with positive meaning is also popular in Indonesia and Thailand, becoming the K hot spot hit song. In the same year, Liu Juner, a female singer of the southern record, was released by the Chinese love song love song II. It was rare that Liu Juner asked his brother Ben How to sing the chorus.In 2015, the handsome love song Prince Ben How, the morale increasing Ben How, once again with the cooperation of the gold medal producer, gave all the expectation, the new "popular charm of the 6 mandarin duck a scene", is Ben How's first high definition photographic equipment produced by the album, the lens of handsome, smiling face, plus handsome, plus handsome. There are many popular songs, including "ask yourself", "I love you", "I love you", "cloudy and multiple rain", "fool", "hand", "whether", "willing", "zhanai" and "Zhan", "the sand" of the new song, and description. Dear Chinese song, "when you are old," rearranging the Classic Golden Melody "Reunion", the first capitals handed over to heart and soul, and moved infinitely. Chen Lijuan, a long unseen, also gave a special friendship and sang the "butterfly dream" of the Taiwan Minnan language song with Ben How. After filling in Chinese lyrics, it opened a new light, and the cooperation of the two people burst out a surprising spark. The planners have adapted the Chinese lyrics to the strong songs of the Taiwan singing competition, the melodies and the sensual full of mandarin ducks. In the same year, Ben How participated in the chorus, the two southern records of the southern records, Ben How and Xu Wenyou, were more obliged to sing the "spring to bloom wish" and "all the best" for the first time in the album. Sparks, in April of the same year, Ben How was also involved in the album of her sister and sister O Li Wen's album [woman's bitter]. Although he was older than Ben How but was later than Ben How, Ben How became the brother of Li Wen's brother, and Hou Jun Hui was a uncle in MV, Ben How and Li Li Wen had a good relationship, and the two would be positive. Kissing, Ben How called the European aunt, Mr. Ou Li Wen is also very good care of Ben How, Li Wen is also very fond of the big boy playing the big boy Ben How, Ben How is in the concert more said to explode her age to provoke him to catch him on the stage enough to prove that the Liwen in Malaysia entertainment is very popular. In the same year Ben How and friend Huang Xiaofeng sang a new song [love crossroads] in the Southern Star album "charming love song duet 2". The original new song "love crossroads" was a new work in the sheep year of record planner Ji Dexi and producer Zheng Guoliang. The chorus of Xiao Feng and Ben How has already won the applause and applause. The two people's cooperation is more and more popular.The more love. In May of the same year, the seventh edition of Ben How's good friend Huang Xiaofeng "popular charm song" was published, still made by the new producer Zheng Guo Liang, in addition to the original new song of the master's playing the original song, and in view of the recent songs that Huang Xiaofeng seemed to have intended to retire, the producer Zheng Guoliang had a feeling and wrote the original second original singers. Songs, in which many popular songs are included, including the masterpieces of Ben How, and Ben How's chorus of Golden Music [you are the only one of me].In 2016, Ben How's partner, Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji, released his fourth Chinese album "the lie of fate". At the same time, Ben How, a friend who had a deep understanding of Zhang Mei Ling, also made a special friendship with Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji, and sang with Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji the golden moment of the sunset in 80s. This album MV was filmed with HD technology, Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji even The natural beauty still trembling, Ben How and Jacqueline Teo Yi Sin Ji in MV two people in fu

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