海朋森 歌手简介

海朋森是一支来自成都的五人乐队,成员都是刚刚二十出头的年轻人,这使得海朋森能够举重若轻般跳出历史的桎梏,直面回溯摇滚乐最纯粹、敏感与诗意的年代。那些干净爽利的气质,将令他们走的很远。 海朋森的音乐中有着抢耳的贝司线与复杂精准的吉他演奏,它们不应被主唱的绚烂所掩盖。在21世纪的第二个十年里,越来越多的年轻中国乐队开始重新审视母语歌词的魅力,而海朋森是其中的佼佼者。艺术学院专习油画的主唱陈思江写下了诚实的歌词,它们行于危险边缘,游走于日常和意象之间,但没有止步于冰冷的现实。这并非就意味着浪漫。也许这是最伟大的摇滚乐歌者的方式,它的演绎从来都不受摇滚乐本身的拘泥,海朋森这几个如横空出世般的年轻人,正在低调沉稳的前进中,向着这个方向留下了最初的脚印。 成员: 陈思江(主唱)、季一楠(吉他手)、刘泽同(吉他手)、王明慧(贝斯手)、王博强(鼓手) 大事记: ·2015 新专辑首发全国站巡演 “影响城市之声”论坛 豆瓣音乐“阿比鹿”奖年度新人奖 ·2014 大连“蛋生音乐节” ·2013 华夏之光·2013长江迷笛音乐节 AMC Live Rock On摇滚吧!成都音乐节 相聚瓜洲·2013中国瓜洲音乐节 ·2012 迷笛全国校园乐队大赛总决赛 Roll City绵竹九龙山滑翔音乐生活派 1017 时代倾城•草地音乐季 成都热波音乐节 获奖 1.2015微博音乐人奖:年度十大新人,《我不要别的历史》获最佳唱片封面大奖 2.Smart Shanghai 2015年20张最佳中国唱片:第1位 3.2015(第七届)中国摇滚迷笛奖:最佳年度摇滚新人奖提名 4.2015年第五届阿比鹿音乐奖:入围年度摇滚音乐人,专辑《我不要别的历史》入围年度摇滚唱片,单曲《幕布》入围最佳摇滚单曲 5.看见音乐2015独立音乐最ING榜:年度最ING新人 6.Billboard Radio China(公告牌中国)2015年中国十佳专辑:第5位 7.Live Beijing Music 2015年优秀专辑 8.That’s杂志2015年50张最佳大陆专辑:第9位 9.看见音乐“年度最ING新人” Bio: Hiperson is a five-piece rock band from Chengdu, China. Unlike previous generations of Chinese musicians, these twenty-somethings reject the shackles of recent history, harkening back to the essential, sensitive, poetic golden age of rock'n'roll. Their temperament of refreshing simplicity has led Hiperson on a path of rapid achievement. Frontwoman Chen Sijiang's unique voice, brilliant and gorgeous as it is, does not draw the audience's full attention away from Hiperson's compelling bass-lines or the complex, precise rhythmic interplay between drums and guitar. In the second decade of the 21st century, Hiperson has become the leader of a new generation of Chinese rock musicians beginning to revisit the expressive charm of their native tongue. The band's frankly honest lyrics are all written by Chen Sijiang, an art school graduate with a background in painting. Through a series of poetic passages from song to song, her words lead the listener to the edge of danger, through landscapes of cold reality, oscillating between daily life and illusion. But this is not Romantic music. Though this form of expression belongs to the rare domain of some of the greatest singers in the history of rock music, it's open to constant re-interpretation, never restricted by the form of rock'n'roll itself. Hiperson, these five young artists, come out of the blue, leaving the first footprints on a new path with their slow, steady march. Hiperson are: Chen Sijiang (vocal), Ji Yinan (guitarist), Liu Zetong (guitarist), Wang Minghui (bassist) and Wang Boqiang (drummer)

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