Blaine Larsen 歌手简介

Blaine Larsen,1986年出生于Washington州的Tacoma,早在他5岁时父母离异,和妹妹随母亲搬往老家,在小镇Buckley住下。Blaine Larsen的童年一直笼罩在没有父爱的阴影下---直到他遇到Woody,也就是后来他的继父,才重新拾起了乐趣与希望。是他让Blaine Larsen喜爱上乡村乐,他自己也说“Woody是世界上最棒的男人,也是他教会了我怎样成为最棒的男人。”于是在他第一盘专集里有“The Best Man”这首歌专门写给他的继父Woody的。或许家庭的悲剧和生父的不负责任伤害了幼小的Blaine Larsen,但万幸的是有这么一个继父比生父更关怀倍至。这样的一段曲折的童年经历必然给了Blaine比寻常人更多的人生经历,或许也给了他音乐上更多的素材和灵感。可能还有很多人不知道Blaine Larsen,很自然,对于一个今年才20岁的小子来说,让人耳熟能详是不大可能的事。但是他确实做了许多让人记忆深刻,也让同龄人煞是羡慕的“壮举”。 by Steve Leggett The state of Washington doesn't produce that many country singers, but after his 2004 single "How Do You Get That Lonely" made him the youngest (at 18 years old) traditional country singer to hit the Billboard charts, you can add Blaine Larsen to the list. Born in 1986 in Tacoma, WA, Larsen spent his early childhood in California. His parents divorced when he was five and he moved with his mother and sister back to Washington, settling in Buckley. It was there that his new stepfather introduced Larsen to country music, and by the time he was ten, Larsen was singing along to country karaoke tapes. He started to learn the guitar at 13, and by his first year in high school he was regularly singing at school events. Before his junior year Larsen and his family traveled to Nashville, where the teenager recorded a demo CD of mostly cover songs and an original composition he had written with one of his teachers, "Keep It Country." Larsen sold the CD at shows, and a copy found its way to Rory Lee Feek and Tim Johnson, who had just started a new record label, Giantslayer Records, in Nashville. Impressed with his baritone vocals, the pair flew the then 15-year-old Larsen back from Washington for a proper recording session, resulting in the In My High School album, which came out in 2004. The title song received some scattered but strategic airplay, particularly in Seattle, and led to Larsen signing with BNA Records, which released a reconstituted version of In My High School called Off to Join the World early in 2005. Rockin' You Tonight, also from BNA, followed in 2006.

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