Rolf Lislevand 热门歌曲下载


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Rolf Lislevand 歌手简介

From 1980 to 1984, Lislevand studied classical guitar at the Norwegian Academy of Music. In 1984 he entered the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland, under the tutelage of lutenists Hopkinson Smith and Eugen Dombois up to 1987 when he moved to Italy.[2] From 1990 he was a teacher at the conservatory in Toulouse, France, from 1993 professor at the Music Academy in the German town of Trossingen.[1] Since his first album as main artist with works from the "Libro Quarto d'intvolatura di Chitarrone" by composer Hieronymus Kapsberger, he had gained various awards: Diapason d’Or, Choc du Monde de la Musique, 10 de Répertoire, etc. In 1991 he played as part of the sound-track to the French film Tous les Matins du Monde together with the viol player Jordi Savall, with whom he has had an extensive collaboration.

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