Julian Prégardien 热门歌曲下载

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Die Entführung aus dem Serail, K. 384, Act II, Sechster auftritt, Siebenter auftritt: No. 12 Arie "Welche Wonne, welche Lust" (Blonde) - "Ach, dass doch alles schon vorbei wäre" (Pedrillo) Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail 02:51
L'Orfeo, SV 318: Qual onor di te fia degno Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 01:17
Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1: No. 7, Nachklang Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:02
The Prophetess, Z. 627 "The History of Dioclesian": Charon the Peaceful Shade Invites Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:02
La lira d'Orfeo: Al suon di questa lira Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:09
Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 2: No. 4, Ach Liebste, lass uns eilen Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:10
Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1: No. 3, Wann sich der werte Gast HQ Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 04:12
Euridice: Antri, ch'a' miei lamenti Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:34
Bookes of Ayres, Book 3 - Breake Now My Heart and Dye, Oh No, She May Relent Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:53
Orpheus I Am (The Mad Lover) Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:00
La lira d'Orfeo: Ma, divertim'io voglio Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:23
Orpheus with His Lute Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:14
Allerhand Oden und Lieder: No. 5, Als Orpheus schlug sein Instrument Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:20
Euridice: Gioite al canto mio, selve frondose Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 01:03
L'Orfeo dolente: Sinfonia - Numi d'Abisso Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 06:41
Le varie musiche: Al fonte, al prato Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:31
Madrigali di diversi autori: Filli mia, Filli dolce Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:03
L'Orfeo, SV. 318: Vi ricorda, ò boschi amorosi Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 01:56
Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1: No. 4, Jetzund kommt die Nacht herbei Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 02:14
Bookes of Ayres, Book 3 - Oft Have I Sigh'd for Him That Heares Me Not Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 03:00
Euridice: Non piango e non sospiro Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from the 17th Century 01:55
Singet dem Herrn, Op. 91, MWV A23, "Psalm 98" - Der Herr lässt sein Heil verkündigen (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Chorus) MENDELSSOHN, Felix: Sacred Choral Music (Psalmen) (Winkel, J. Prégardien, Stražanac, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Munich Radio Orchestra, Arman) 01:10
Psalm 115, Op. 31, MWV A9 (Sung in Latin) - Duet: Domus Israel speravit (Soprano, Tenor, Chorus) MENDELSSOHN, Felix: Sacred Choral Music (Psalmen) (Winkel, J. Prégardien, Stražanac, Bavarian Radio Chorus, Munich Radio Orchestra, Arman) 04:13
Johannespassion No. 30, BWV 245: Recitativo "Und von Stund an nahm sie der Jünger zu sich" 01:26
St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: Und neiget das Haupt Bach: Soli Deo Gloria 00:26
St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 1: Jesus antwortete Bach: Soli Deo Gloria 00:23
St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: Die Kriegsknechte aber Bach: Soli Deo Gloria 00:36
St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: Die Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war Bach: Soli Deo Gloria 01:58
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Pt. 1: Da ging hin der Zwölfen einer Bach: Soli Deo Gloria 00:37
St. John Passion, BWV 245, Pt. 2: Spricht Pilatus zu ihnen Bach: Soli Deo Gloria 00:11