Dana Lowrey 热门歌曲下载

歌曲 专辑 时长
Love Again 臻品全景声 Love Again 04:04
Fearless 臻品母带 Dana Lowrey 04:21
Lost Along the Way HQ Dana Lowrey 04:09
Where Do We Go from Here Love Again 04:12
Just a Little HQ Dana Lowrey 03:48
Walkaway 臻品全景声 Dana Lowrey 04:12
Higher HQ Dana Lowrey 03:42
Toxic 臻品全景声 Love Again 03:57
Way Back Home 臻品全景声 Love Again 03:20
Remedy Love Again 03:10

Dana Lowrey 最新专辑下载

Love Again
Love Again
Dana Lowrey
Dana Lowrey

Dana Lowrey 歌手简介

澳大利亚独立音乐人 Q&A with Dana Lowrey: Where were you born and grow up? Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. How old are You? 19 How would you describe yourself as an artist? -Fun, variety, dark in a way, edgy How would you describe yourself as a person? -Weird, crazy, happy, fun, loving, strong Of the piano, guitar– what’s your favorite (if you have one) and why? - I dont have a favourite, it depends on the mood im in. I could spend hours on both. What drew you to those instruments? -Growing up there was always a guitar or a keyboard around the house. Also my cousin Claudia used to take piano lessons and I always wanted to copy or mimick her. You write about love and relationships – why? -I personally haven’t had that much experience with love, but I do get inspired by other people’s relationships or even on screen relationships. And if seems as though most people can relate to them. What’s behind that drive/inspiration? - To have songs people can relate to and maybe even cry too. If I can make someone out their feel something then I’m doing my job right :) What do you love about music? - The way it can make you feel. It’s something that words cannot simply express. I love how you can relate your own life stories to songs that are written and it feels like the song was written about you. It can make you feel so many things. It can uplift, calm or make you feel the complete opposite. There’s a song for every mood. It’s amazing. Did you always know you were a singer/songwriter? - I didn’t know I was one but I always just loved to do it. And growing up with it around me constantly it kind of just fell into place. I remember watching my parents at a young age and knew that was the sorta thing I wanted to do. What made you want to take it seriously as something to pursue as a career (if anything)? - It was never a question in my mind that I wanted to anything else. I used to watch Christina Aguiletas Stripped tour on DVD over and over again and fell in love with the idea of entertaining millions of people. How long have you actively been pursuing a career as an artist? - Apart from putting my stuff on YouTube and trying out for X factor, seriously only ever since I came into the US and began this journey. While you want to have your own unique sounds, have you been likened to anyone? -Michelle Branch, Demi Lovato, Elen Levon. Is there anything other than love/relationships that serve as inspiration for your music? - Facebook, Internet, Instagram, things people say, family Other than music, what do you enjoy doing? - Relaxing, camping, beach, friends, going out, music festivals, eating lots of yummy foods :p just being social. Are there any childhood anecdotes that relate to your genesis as an artist? - Avril Lavigne and Katy Perry have always been the biggest artists I have looked up to. And they’ve kind of helped me develop who I want to be as an artist. The musical family – do they perform publicly as well? - My mum used to perform all over place. And my dad still does with his band. Are there any other things going on beyond the EP – performances, appearances, etc./anything else coming down the pipes that you’re excited about? - All of the above, photos, releasing the album, a lot of things!! Are there any performances you’ve had in the past that you vividly remember and why or notable locations of performances? - in grade 7 I entered my primary schools talent quest called mudgeeraba idol. I was Avril Lavignes biggest fan back then so I sung Skater Boy and took home gold woohoo :p

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