Handel: Esther (亨德尔:以斯帖,作品50) 曲目列表

歌曲 歌手 时长
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 1 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 1 - Ouverture..."Tis greater far to spare" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景1:序曲 - “更广阔的空间”) David Thomas / Andrew King / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 07:45
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 1 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 1 - "Pluck root and branch from out the land" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景1:“从地上拔出根和树枝”) David Thomas / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 02:09
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 1 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 1 - "Shall we the God of Israel fear?" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景1:“难道我们是以色列之神吗?”) Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 01:54
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2 - "Tune your harps to cheerful strains" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景2:“尽力弹奏你那令人愉快的竖琴”) Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood / Paul Elliott 03:55
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2 - "Shall we of servitude complain" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景2:“难道我们应该劳役吗?”) Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 01:26
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2 - "Sing songs of praise, bow down the knee" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景2:“屈膝歌唱赞美歌”) HQ Andrew King / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 06:11
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 3 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 3 - "Ye sons of Israel mourn" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景3:“以色列孩子们的哀悼”) Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 02:05
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 3 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 3 - "O Jordan, Jordan, sacred tide" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景3:“约旦,约旦,神圣的潮汐”) Drew Minter / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 09:34
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 4 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 4 - "Dread not, righteous Queen, the danger" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景4:“不要害怕,正义的女王,危险”) Patrizia Kwella / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 03:45
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 4 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 4 - "Tears assist me, pity moving" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景4:“眼泪帮助我,怜悯感动”) Ian Partridge / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 03:01
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 4 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 4 - "Save us, O Lord" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景5:“主啊,求你拯救我们”) Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 01:32
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - "Who dares intrude into our presence" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景5:“谁敢闯在我们的前面”) Anthony Rolfe Johnson / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 01:08
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - "Who calls my parting soul from death?" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景5:“谁呼唤我死去的灵魂?”) Patrizia Kwella / Anthony Rolfe Johnson / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 02:34
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - "O beauteous Queen"...Recit:"If I find favour" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景5:“啊,美丽的女王” - 宣叙调:“ 如果得到帮助”) Anthony Rolfe Johnson / Patrizia Kwella / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 07:38
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - "How can I stay when love invites" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景5:“当爱来了我该怎么停留”) Anthony Rolfe Johnson / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 03:54
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 5 - "Virtue, truth and innocence" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景5:“美德,真理和纯真”) Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 02:33
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 6 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 6 - "Turn not, O Queen, thy face away" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景6:“女王啊,不要转过脸去”) David Thomas / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 02:10
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 6 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 6 - "Flatt'ring tongue, no more I hear thee!" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景6:“别说话了,我没听见你说什么!”) Patrizia Kwella / Anthony Rolfe Johnson / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 05:11
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 6 - Handel: Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 6 - "How art thou fall'n from thy height!" (以斯帖,作品50 - 场景6:“你是怎么从高处坠落的!”) David Thomas / Academy Of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood 04:15